Big Day of Giving is just around the corner! We need your help to ensure we can keep being there for our patients through this pandemic and beyond.
As our staff and patients begin to get their Covid-19 vaccines, we are slowly starting to see more and more patients in person again. This Big Day of Giving we are raising funds for abnormal mamagram followups such as diagnostics, biopsies, and ultrasounds to identify breast cancer in need of treatment.
Help us raise $20,000 this May 6 during our annual Big Day of Giving fundraiser! You may schedule your donation online as early as today, donate on May 6, or mail us a check.
Every donation helps, no matter how small. Your generosity has kept us open for the last 10 years. Help us stay open for 10 more!
DONATE NOW: https://www.bigdayofgiving.org/clarashouse
Or make a check out to Clara's House with BIGDAYOFGIVING in the memo line and send to 2700 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95816.