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Alert: USCIS encourages all those, including aliens, with symptoms that resemble

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) (fever, cough, shortness of breath) to seek necessary

medical treatment or preventive services. Such treatment or preventive services will not

negatively affect any alien as part of a future Public Charge analysis.

The Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds final rule is critical to defending and

protecting Americans’ health and its health care resources. The Public Charge rule does not

restrict access to testing, screening, or treatment of communicable diseases, including COVID-19. In addition, the rule does not restrict access to vaccines for children or adults to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases. Importantly, for purposes of a public charge inadmissibility determination, USCIS considers the receipt of public benefits as only one consideration among a number of factors and considerations in the totality of the alien’s circumstances over a period of time with no single factor being outcome determinative. To address the possibility that some aliens impacted by COVID-19 may be hesitant to seek necessary medical treatment or preventive services, USCIS will neither consider testing, treatment, nor preventative care (including vaccines, if a vaccine becomes available) related to COVID-19 as part of a public charge inadmissibility determination, nor as related to the public benefit condition applicable to certain nonimmigrants seeking an extension of stay or change of status, even if such treatment is provided or paid for by one or more public benefits, as defined in the rule (e.g. federally funded Medicaid).

The rule requires USCIS to consider the receipt of certain cash and non-cash public

benefits, including those that may be used to obtain testing or treatment for COVID-19 in a

public charge inadmissibility determination, and for purposes of a public benefit condition

applicable to certain nonimmigrants seeking an extension of stay or change of status. The list of public benefits considered for this purpose includes most forms of federally funded Medicaid (for those over 21), but does not include CHIP, or State, local, or tribal public health care services/assistance that are not funded by federal Medicaid. In addition, if an alien subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility lives and works in a jurisdiction where disease prevention methods such as social distancing or quarantine are in place, or where the alien’s employer, school, or university voluntarily shuts down operations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the alien may submit a statement with his or her application for adjustment of status to explain how such methods or policies have affected the alien as relevant to the factors USCIS must consider in a public charge inadmissibility determination. For example, if the alien is prevented from working or attending school, and must rely on public benefits for the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak and recovery phase, the alien can provide an explanation and relevant supporting documentation. To the extent relevant and credible, USCIS will take all such evidence into consideration in the totality of the alien’s circumstances.

For more info head to the USCIS website.

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Updated: Jul 10, 2020

St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

3996 – 14th Ave

Sacramento, CA 95820

Phone: 916.628.7676

How to make an appointment for COVID-19 testing:

1. Open for free COVID-19 testing by appointment only on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

2. Call 916.628.7676 between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM, and leave a message with the following information:

  • Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Address

  • Call back number

  • Say also that you are a Clara’s House patient (or you will not be seen if you live outside of Oak Park)

They will call you back with an appointment.

What do I need to know about the day of my appointment?

  • Come alone or limit to the number of persons that accompany you.

  • Take a valid form of photo identification that includes date of birth. U.S. citizenship or legal residency is NOT required.

  • Wear a face covering unless you have been told not to for medical reasons.

  • Bring a valid identification with a date of birth to check in at your appointment.

  • A qualified healthcare provider will administer the nasal swab collection procedure.

  • The appointment will take 10-15 minutes on average.

How will I get my results?

  • Results take 3-6 days, depending on testing volume at the Sacramento County Public Health Laboratory.

  • A Public Health nurse will call you with your results within a week.

  • If you told them you are a Clara’s House patient, results will be sent to Clara’s House Clinic also.

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St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

3996 14th Ave

Sacramento, CA 95820

Teléfono: 916.628.7676

Cómo programar una cita para una prueba de detección de COVID-19:

1. Abierto para gratis pruebas de COVID-19 solamente con citas los martes y los viernes de las 9:00 AM hasta las 3:00 p.m.

2. Llame 916-628-7676 entre las horas de 8:30 AM y 4:00 PM,y deje un mensaje con la información siguiente:

  • Nombre y apellido

  • Fecha de nacimiento

  • Número de teléfono

  • Diga que usted es paciente de Clara’s House (o no le darán cita si usted no vive en el barrio Oak Park.)

Volverán a llamarle a usted con una cita.

Qué debo saber sobre el día de la cita?

  • Vaya a solas o límite el numero de personas que le acompañan a usted.

  • Tenga consigo una forma válida de identificación con foto y que incluye su fecha de nacimiento. (No se necesita ni ciudadanía estadounidense ni residencia legal.)

  • Llévese mascarilla que cubre la nariz y la boca, con la excepción de que le han dicho los médicos que no.

  • Al presentarse para la prueba, tenga consigo una forma válida de identificación que tiene su fecha de nacimiento.

  • Un proveedor calificado de servicios médicos aplicará el frotis nasal y lo recogerá para analizarlo y determinar si hay infección.

  • La cita dura de 10-15 minutos por promedio.

Cómo voy a recibir el resultado de la prueba?

  • Recibir el resultado toma de 3-6 días. Varía según la cantidad de pruebas que hay en el Laboratorio de la Salud Pública del Condado de Sacramento.

  • Una enfermera de la Salud Pública le llamará con el resultado dentro de una semana.

  • Si usted les haya dicho que es paciente de Clara’s House, el resultado se manda también a la clínica Clara’s House.

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2700 L Street

Sacramento, CA 95816

P: (916) 448-3976

F: (916) 266-9320


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (M-F)
Lobby Closed 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday


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